9 Reasons Resolutions Don't Stick

Dec 22, 2023

“Change is automatic. Progress is not.” - Tony Robbins

‘Tis the season to cast around the internet looking for the thing: The one thing that will finally make us do the thing we say we really want - lose the weight, make the money, boost the business, write the book, figure out what we’re doing with our lives etc.

Here’s a hard truth we know but don’t want to admit: Any of those systems will work if you work them. (Well, most of them.)

And that’s where it gets slippery,


Why don’t I do what I say I will? I must be lazy.

Maybe, but not necessarily. Here are nine other possibilities:

  • It’s still something we “should” do not something we must do.

  • It doesn’t feel safe to do it. So our brains are fighting us.

  • There’s a particular risk involved that our nervous systems aren’t cool with.

  • We’ve never learned what to do with our fear of failure, rejection, or unworthiness.

  • We still think our perfectionism is a good thing.

  • We still think our cynicism makes us smart.

  • It’s easier in the short term to procrastinate and then rationalize it.

  • Our minds are trashy - full of old stories, untruths, and fears that drive our behavior.

  • It’s hard and we’re looking for an easier way that doesn’t exist.

So why will this year be different?

Honestly, it won’t be - not unless you dive in on these things and get serious about challenging them.

You are your magic pill.

And you are capable of creating whatever life you want - if you want it badly enough and are willing to do the work to get it. For some of you, that means embracing your middlescence and committing to do whatever it takes to BECOME SOMETHING ELSE in your second half.

Remember the pain we feel at midlife is not a crisis, it’s a summons to quit dicking around and get serious about your purpose - your soul’s calling, that thing that will not leave you alone. There’s a reason it’s there.

And nothing will challenge your patterns harder or bring you more joy than living your purpose.

When you decide to live on purpose, all your old stories, and patterns, things you’ve avoided, come roaring to the surface, forcing you to grow or quit.

Choose growth.

We have helped hundreds of women get unstuck and on purpose and get them moving into joy and impact at midlife. We know the terrain and can guide you through it too.

Imagine if you were clear on what you wanted from the second half of your life. What if you said it out loud - come what may - and stepped into that vision every day as a stronger, fuller, and more courageous version of yourself?

What would you create?

The first step is to get some help with the things on the list above.

You can book a free breakthrough call with my team here but don’t do it if you’re not serious. We are very serious about building an army of women who’ve gotten out of their own way and are impacting the world around them. Why not you?

Book the call.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays.